

Here it begins - October 17th. I should be keeping up with a countdown, I guess. That day will come, I'm sure of it!

I made the decision to begin blogging now for the following reasons:

1. Things are FINALLY beginning to come of all the hard work I've put into my preperations for the semester - finally. I am beyond excited and I would love to share the details with you all!
2. January will arive before we know it and I would like to get in the habit of updating before I am in too deep of a hole to remember! [Hey, I have to prepare myself!]
3. I, for once in my life, am finished with my homework early [yes, early.] and even had enough energy left to want to do something constructive with my time! [Or I have a few papers I could get started on but, of course, I fell into the charms of procrastination, yet again. You decide.]

I'll post again soon!

1 comment:

Britt said...

by October you mean September right?